Monday, December 7, 2009

Don't put your HEALTH on HIATUS for the HOLIDAYS!

Hey all ... miss me? Well I was sort of a slacker last week. I didn't work out as much as I wanted to. But I made sure my food was clean during the week and most of the weekend (I have 2 cheat meals on the weekends ... and sometimes red wine!) And I made up for my lazy ways today! Especially since in less that 2 weeks I'll be in sunny Jamaica visiting my Mom and Dad! One of my favorite things about visiting Jam-rock is the FOOD! But I have to keep reminding myself "Don't put your HEALTH on HIATUS for the HOLIDAYS!". Yes, I'm going to enjoy all the delicious stuff that's not so good for me like rum cake, patties and cocoa bread, grater cake, drops, jerk chicken and festival ... and the list goes on! But ... everything in moderation. The good thing is that my parents have a garden in their back yard and they eat tons of veggies and fruits. And of course they're organic .. pesticide free! So my goal is to make sure I eat lots of fruits and veggies ... which taste better on the islands anyway ... and then pace myself with the sweet, sweet island food! My mouth is watering just thinking about it! And my parents have a treadmill, bike, and some mini weights, so there is no excuse for not working out. So what about you? Please share your tips and tricks on how you plan to keep your health a priority during the holidays.

Workout: chest and biceps circuit, 15 minutes sprint intervals on Tommy the treadmill ... I actually missed doing sprints ... it felt soooooo goooooood!

P.S. I must thank Tara for her words of inspiration! :)